Monday 23 February 2009

Think about a career in Sales

I have seen a tendency in fresh graduates. They shun away from sales jobs. They might well apply for a hundred other jobs but a good sales job in a reputed company doesn't excite them. "Oh, not sales again" "I'd rather work in an office" are some of the common statements that I have heard.
Of course it's up to you whether you want to enter a sales job. But most of these young college students are ruling out sales based on very little or no knowledge about what the field has on offer. Just the word 'sales 'is enough to motivate them to say no.
But the fact is that 'sales' is one of the most lucrative fields in the world. There is no other job where you get a five figure salary in an entry position. No other job offers as many challenges as sales and you have a great opportunity to rise not only vertically, but also horizontally in your company.
A sales executive gains the necessary skills and expertise to tackle almost any problem in the world. Many business leaders of today have started out their career with sales. So consider that you are entering the training ground for the business leaders for tomorrow.
It's evergreen
No matter how bad the situation is, sales will be one department that will drive an organization ahead. This means more opportunities for the sales team.
If an organization is in dire straits then a sales team has least chances of being laid off. Take into account the incentives and the commission that you get along with the salary and you have a great job opportunity on your hands.
So the next time you are looking for a job, make sure that you explore all your avenues before neglecting sales.

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